
Title: Explore the Gretel AP - Karman: Contemporary Wall Sconce for 3D Interior Design

Are you searching for a striking piece to enhance your **3D room design**? Look no further than the Sconce Karman srl HANSEL & GRETEL AP628GB. This exquisite **3D model** includes .fbx, .obj, and .max files with customized CORONA-RENDER materials, making it a perfect addition to your **3D interior decor** collection.


Discover the beauty of this contemporary wall sconce, designed for **3D interior** enthusiasts. With dimensions of h.55 - b.29 - p.22 cm and 7555 polygons, this **3D model** is ideal for elevating your **3D room design** projects. Proceed with caution as this model features exclusive Corona-render materials, ensuring a high-quality visual experience.