Discover the remarkable Modular Poliform Lexington Day 3D model designed by the renowned Jean-Marie Massaud. This exceptional modular rack incorporates shelves and drawers, measuring 900 mm in length. With adjustable height options to accommodate any ceiling, this magnificent piece boasts a maximum height of 3150 mm.
Experience the extraordinary versatility of the Modular Poliform Lexington Day 3D model in your living space. Its overall dimensions of 3890 mm in length, 400 mm in width, and 2950 mm in height make it an ideal choice for enhancing your interior design.
Unleash your creativity with the Modular Poliform Lexington Day 3D model, perfect for 3D interior design and adding an elegant touch to any room. With its realistic and detailed design, this exceptional 3D model promises to transform your living space into a haven of style and sophistication.
Visit 3Dsky to download this incredible 3D model and unlock endless possibilities for your 3D room design and interior decor. Experience the power of 3D design with 3ds Max, the industry-leading software for 3D home design and visualization.