Discover our stunning collection of 3d MAX models for Solid Wood Chests. Crafted from the finest quality tree wood, these dressers are available in three different sizes to suit your needs: 1500 * 450 * 600 mm, 1500 * 450 * 900 mm, and 1500 * 450 * 1200mm. Each model is meticulously designed with attention to detail, guaranteeing a realistic 3D interior experience.
These models feature a high-quality UVW scan and come with textures in 4096 * 4096 resolution for Dif, Ref, Glos, and NM. Transform your 3D room design with these beautiful chest models that add elegance and functionality to any space.
Looking for 3D models download? Look no further than our collection of high-quality 3D designs at 3dsky. Whether you're an architect, interior designer, or simply a 3D enthusiast, our range of 3D home design assets will help you create stunning visualizations and 3D interior decor effortlessly.