
Title: Roca Foro D40 Washbasin - A Stylish and Compact 3D Model for Interior Design

Are you looking for a stunning 3D model to enhance your interior design projects? Look no further than the Roca Foro D40 Washbasin. This compact and stylish washbasin is now available as a downloadable 3D model on 3DSky.

Description: Incorporate the Roca Foro D40 Washbasin into Your 3D Room Designs

If you're interested in 3D design and interior decor, the Roca Foro D40 Washbasin is the perfect addition to your virtual creations. Designed for versatility and elegance, this washbasin is built to fit seamlessly into any 3D room design or 3D home design project.

Made with high-quality materials, the Roca Foro D40 Washbasin offers a visually appealing stone countertop that adds a touch of sophistication to any 3D interior. Its compact size, 40 cm in width, makes it suitable for smaller spaces without compromising on style or functionality.

When you download this 3D model, you'll also receive the basin mixer Roca Monodin-N with an aerator, perfectly matching the washbasin's design. With its spout height of 7.9 cm, this mixer enhances both the aesthetics and functionality of your 3D room designs.

Whether you're an interior designer, architect, or simply a 3D enthusiast, incorporating the Roca Foro D40 Washbasin into your projects will elevate your designs to the next level. Download the 3D model now and explore the endless possibilities for creating stunning 3D interior designs.




