
Discover the HI-TECH Entrance Door - Modern Style

Are you looking to enhance the aesthetic appeal of your apartment or private house? Look no further than the ALASKA series' HI-TECH Entrance Door in a sleek and modern style. This stunning door, design sketch HT-123, is part of the renowned PolimerStroyService catalog's exclusive collection.

Impressive Features and Customization Options

Our HI-TECH Entrance Door offers a range of features to meet your specific needs. The door dimensions, measuring 870 x 2030 mm, ensure a perfect fit for your entryway.

The metal painting color in an elegant Shagreen shade adds a touch of sophistication to your home exterior. The Nar. and Int. finishes boast premium MDF with Enamel for durability and a flawless appearance.

You have the freedom to choose from a variety of panel painting colors, allowing you to personalize the door to your liking. Additionally, the lever locks, Gardian 21.12 | 20.01, provide the utmost security and peace of mind for you and your loved ones.

Unlimited Design Possibilities

At PolimerStroyService, we understand that every project is unique. That's why the HI-TECH Entrance Door can be customized to match your specific preferences. Whether you desire a different color from the extensive RAL catalog or wish to explore alternative materials, we're ready to bring your vision to life.

With the door's adaptability to resizing, you can rest assured that it will seamlessly integrate into any architectural design or room layout. Its versatility makes it perfect for a variety of 3D interior decor projects, such as 3D room designs, 3D home designs, and more.

Your Reliable Manufacturer and Partner

As leading manufacturers in the industry, we take pride in our exceptional attention to detail and commitment to customer satisfaction. We're fully equipped to support you throughout your project implementation.

Ready to take the first step towards obtaining your own HI-TECH Entrance Door? Reach out to us directly or visit our website at PolymerStroyService to get started. Experience the perfect blend of style, functionality, and durability with our extraordinary collection of hi-tech doors.




