
Title: Gaudi Desor 3D Interior Decor Model

Revamp your living space with the exquisite Gaudi Desor 3D interior decor model by Gaudi Decor. This stunning piece from Malaysia, under Fabello Decor, is specially curated to enhance your home's aesthetic appeal.


Discover the captivating beauty of the Gaudi Desor 3D model. This 3D room design masterpiece features intricate details, meticulously crafted by skilled artisans. The dimensions of this piece are Length: 685 mm, Width: 575 mm, Thickness: 30 mm, making it a perfect addition to any space seeking a touch of elegance.

Elevate your interior design with this premium 3D interior creation. Experience the seamless integration of art and innovation with the Gaudi Desor model, tailored to transform your living environment into a haven of sophistication.



