
Delicious Raffaello Treat in Round Box: A Stunning 3D Model Design

If you are looking for an amazing 3D model that will elevate your 3D room design or 3D interior decor project, look no further than our 3ds Max masterpiece - Raffaello in Round Box.

Product Specifications and Features

This stunning 3D model comes in a conveniently sized round box, measuring 150x150xh90mm. Created in 3ds Max 2013 with Corona 17, and also available in a 3dsMax 2010 version, it is compatible with FBX and OBJ formats.

The Raffaello in Round Box 3D model boasts an impressive poly count of 55030 and a vertex count of 55739. This allows for seamless integration into any 3D interior or 3D room design project, whether you're a professional 3D designer or a DIY enthusiast.

With a lightweight file size of 55 Mb, it is quick and easy to download, making it perfect for all your 3D design needs. Whether you're a 3Dsky user or searching for the perfect 3D model download, this Raffaello treat is sure to exceed your expectations.

Embrace the world of 3D home design with our exquisite Raffaello in Round Box 3D model. Elevate your designs and create realistic renderings that will impress your clients and captivate your audience.

Experience the beauty and elegance of Raffaello right at your fingertips with this impeccable 3D model. Download it today and let your creativity soar!




