Квадратное настенное зеркало Craiova с арочным силуэтом и позолоченными краями станет романтическим дополнением к любой комнате. Изготовлен из металлического каркаса со стеклянным зеркалом и подложкой из МДФ.
Imbue your space with grace and style by incorporating the *3d model* of the Craiova wall mirror, featuring a unique arched silhouette and gilded edges. Crafted from a metal frame with glass mirror and MDF backing, this piece offers a touch of sophistication to any room.
With its exquisite detailing and luxurious finish options in golden, black, or silver, this mirror stands out as a statement piece that elevates your *3d interior decor*. The dimensions of 914 x 914 mm make it a suitable choice for various spaces.
Explore the beauty of *3ds max* design with the Craiova wall mirror 3D model. With its elegant craftsmanship and intricate design, this piece adds a touch of glamour to your space.
Take your *3d room design* to the next level by incorporating this stunning mirror into your project. Whether you are working on a residential or commercial space, the Craiova mirror offers a blend of style and functionality.
Download the Craiova 3D model from 3dsky and experience the seamless integration of luxury and elegance in your *3d home design* project. Elevate the aesthetics of your interior with this exquisite piece that exudes charm and sophistication.