
Coastal Decor Set: Lamp, Candlestick, Figurine

Enhance your interior decor with our exquisite Coastal Decor Set. This set includes a stunning lamp, elegant candlestick, charming figurine, and additional accessories like books, coral, and starfish. Perfect for adding a touch of coastal charm to any room.

Download our exceptional 3D model set

Looking to elevate your 3D interior design projects? Look no further! Our Coastal Decor Set is available as a high-quality 3D model download. With our detailed 3D models, you can bring your 3D room design visions to life effortlessly. Whether you're an interior designer or a 3D enthusiast, these 3D models are sure to impress.

Beautiful 3D models for your interior design needs

At 3DSky, we specialize in creating top-notch 3D models for professionals and enthusiasts alike. Our Coastal Decor Set is meticulously crafted using 3DS Max, ensuring the utmost precision and realism. These 3D models are perfect for various design projects, including 3D home design, 3D room design, and more.

Each 3D model in this set is accompanied by corresponding textures and .obj files, making it easy to integrate into your preferred 3D design software. With our Coastal Decor Set, you can effortlessly enhance your interior decor with a touch of coastal elegance and sophistication.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to add our Coastal Decor Set to your 3D model collection. Elevate your projects with our exceptional 3D models and create breathtaking interior designs that will impress clients and viewers alike.

Upgrade your 3D interior decor today with our Coastal Decor Set. Start your download now and unlock endless design possibilities.