The Ample Upholstered Ada Bed is an essential addition to any **3D room design** project. This sophisticated bed, with a sleek design, offers timeless elegance to any interior space.
Model: Ada Bed
Version: 2013
Units: Millimeters
Dimensions: 2282/2262/1001
Polys: 823828
Render: Vray
Formats: **3Ds Max 2013**, OBJ
Enhance your **3D room design** projects with the Ample Upholstered Ada Bed model. Whether you are working on **3D home design** or **3d interior decor**, this high-quality 3D model is perfect for creating stunning visualizations.
Visit this link to access the Ample Upholstered Ada Bed 3D model and take your **3d design** projects to new heights.